International architecture firm SAOTA opens LIGHT SPACE LIFE in Zürich, Switzerland this month. More than just a showcase of the award-winning firm’s work, the exhibition explores the synthesis of these core ideas within the work that has established SAOTA as an integral part of the global architectural landscape.

LIGHT. The energy that is crucial to human life is also the force that renders form, allowing the observer to perceive colour, texture and space.

SPACE. The manipulation of space and the definition of the sequence in which it is experienced has always been one of the architect’s primary tools. SAOTA’s architecture blends and shares space, blurring the division between elements; be it internal or external, sometimes extending to the horizon, or to the sky, to create buildings that invite a powerfully emotive response.

LIFE. SAOTA creates architecture that understands human needs extend beyond just the requirement for shelter. They are stages for entertaining, for sharing, for rest, for families and for contemplation.

LIGHT SPACE LIFE offers a view into the thinking of an architectural practice that is relentlessly questioning the sense of and what it means to live today.

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